Saturday, September 20, 2014

Time flies when you're having fun!!


Well doesn't time fly? I'm such a bad blogger. I can't believe the last time I posted was March and Harry was just 15 weeks old!

So much has happened since then. Harry will be 10 months old in 9 days!! He's grown so much and developed into such a little character. I've gone back to work and Harry started nursery. He had his Baptism, which was a really lovely day.

Harry has not only learnt to sit unaided, but he rolls, crawls and cruises the furniture. He's also started to let go of the furniture for a few seconds at a time. He really is a super little dude! Everybody loves him and he's generally so happy. He's just started properly teething and has been having a really hard time of it over the last few days.

He's been going to his Water Babies swimming lessons every week and really enjoying them. He loves the water and bath time so that's great. Unfortunately we've just had to cancel his lessons as the venue has changed and it was so cold at the new place, he came out shivering even though he was wearing a wet suit!

So I think I'll leave it there for now, there's so much to catch up on, I'm sure it'll make a few posts and hopefully I'll get back in the habit of posting more often.

Bye for now
Don x x