Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Water Babies part 2...


SO it's been a couple of weeks since posting, sorry!! Hubby has been poorly and Harry is awake a lot more now during the day so needs entertaining.

Just thought I'd do a quick post on how Harry's second water babies lesson went (seen as we're heading out this afternoon to his third lesson!).  He did much better last week and didn't cry once. He was actually very happy and smiley the whole way through the lesson. We did the same routine in the lesson as the first week and all the babies were a bit more confident with what we were doing.

The lessons seem to have helped Harry's attitude at bath times too, he didn't really like the bath but his last few baths have been very calm and relaxed and involved him swimming on his back up and down the bath (my hands under his head obviously).

Harry has beena bit cranky over the past few days and I think he's most deffinately started teething. We also booked his baptism at the Church yesterday so now just have to figure out which people wewould like to be godparents are baptised and make the choice as to who we would like.

x x

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