Friday, February 7, 2014

EBay listings and housework...


So today I've been listing lots of items on eBay from my sort out earlier in the week. My sort out hasn't finished yet, but I had quite a big pile of things to list so thought I'd make a start so that everything didn't end at once. I've made that mistake before thinking not everything would sell and ended up taking about 30 items to the post office, the women serving didn't seem very impressed with my bags full of stuff. She did grumble a little, so I think I'll find another post office to use in future. After all that is what the post office is there for and they don't give a limit!!

I think in future I may just take a trip to Lytham as the post office there is lovely, we used to take work post there and they never batted an eyelid even when we took a few sacks of things down. They were always really friendly too!!

Whilst doing my eBay listings I've been pottering down doing the housework. Washing soon mounts up when you have a baby. I don't think it ever really crossed my mind how many clothes changes we would need. Luckily the clothes are small so a lot fits in each wash load. However, our clothes aren't so small and also mount up when Harry decides to spit up or make a mess.

The housework has come second to  Harry, as it obviously should, since he arrived so now things have settled and he is a bit happier on his playmat/bouncer rather than being cuddled up with mummy all the time I'm able to get back on top of things. Oh joy, I get a bit of free time and it's taken up by catching up with house work...

x x

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