Thursday, February 6, 2014

Weigh In Day


Well today is weigh in day, actually for both me and Harry this week.

I went to Slimming World and am pleased to say I lost a lb! I stayed the same last week, when I actually thought that I would have gained so that was good. So I've lost 5lb so far. A long way to go but it's going in the right direction so I'm happy.

Then off to the clinic to get Harry weighed. He went last week an had only put on 2oz in just over 3 weeks, which meant he had dropped a line on his little chart. Due to this they asked me to come back this week to get him checked again. He's put on 8oz this week so he is doing better. Not quite back on the line he was following but he's gaining and the health visitors are happy with that. They want him to go back in 2 weeks just to keep a check that he's still gaining well. He's now at 9lbs 6oz, from his birth weight at 6lbs 7oz. He's getting quite big now, (well to me anyway) and growing up so fast. I wake up most mornings to big gummy smiles, he certainly recognises me and gives big smiles when I talk to him. I can't quite believe how much he's changed in these past 10 weeks. I also can't believe he's 10 weeks old tomorrow!! Don't know where that time has gone, it's flown by...

x x

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