Thursday, February 6, 2014

Organising Craft Stuff


It's been a few days since my last post as I've been mega busy this week. I don't seem to have stopped at all!!

I wrote a list of things I needed to get done this week on Sunday evening and got cracking with them on Monday. So far I'm probably about half way through the list. Getting jobs done with a baby isn't that easy! Luckily Harry seems to be quite content this week and has been happy laid batting around at things on his playmat or in his bouncy chair so I've been able to get things done around him. He seems happy as long as he can still see you and I chat away to him telling him what I'm doing which keeps him settled as he knows I'm still there.

On Monday I tried to do all the jobs I needed to do out of the house, so I nipped out to the shops, post office etc. This took most of the day, everything is so much slower when you have to take a baby in and out of the car, strap him into prams/trolley seats etc.

Tuesday I made a start on my main task of the week, sorting out the spare room. Since we had to clear out the second bedroom ready for Harry, everything else was dumped around the house and into the spare room. So it's getting a little bit of a nightmare in there. It needs to be sorted, organised and de-cluttered. I made quite a dent in there and sorted a large pile of things to be listed on ebay, mostly the things I sorted through were my crafty bits. I can't believe just how much crafting stuff I have. I used to have a nice desk and bookcase in the other room with all my stuff on and it really didn't seem that much, but packed into boxes it really is! I've decided that we really don't have room for me to have a proper desk/area to craft in so I really needed to be a bit ruthless when going through my things. I need to go for quality rather than quantity to save some space.

I managed to get rid of 2 bag fulls of things that I was essentially just hoarding, the things I kept becuase someday I might be able to use that scrap of ribbon somewhere kind of thing. A lot of the new/unopened things I've decided to sell on as I've not used them in so long. I've got one big plastic box of things that I really want to keep so far. The bad side is I have about 3 more of the same size boxes that need sorting through!!

Yesterday was spent doing general housework and we went out to meet David for his lunch break at work. We caught his bus there, went to Tesco cafe for lunch and then his bus back home again. So Harry got to ride on daddys bus.

Today, me and Harry will be getting on with other stuff from the long list, it's slowly getting shorter but not nearly quick enough for my liking!

x x

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