Sunday, January 19, 2014

Baby Jumperoo


Harry was 7 weeks old on Friday and he's a lot more alert and quzical now. He doesn't seem as content sat in his bouncer chair and much prefers to be on his playmat whacking his toys, but even his playmat seems to gte a little dull for him now.

He's not overly keen on tummy time either so he's either in his bouncy chair or laid on his back. So he's been a bit more cranky when he's playing as I think he's getting bored. Yesterday he was only happy when I was holding him bouncing him up in the air as if he was jumping. He was all full of smiles whilst I was doing this, but after an hour my arms were killing me and if I carry on with it I'm gonna have arms like Arnie!!

With this in mind I've been looking into jumperoos. They seem to say in the guidlines touse them once baby has full head control. I think Harry is pretty much there with his head control. We don't really worry about making sure we're holding his head anymore and he quite happily lifts his head at tummy time and looks around when we are holding him. So I think it's about time we look into buying one for him. This means I've got a lot of looking at reviews and prices ahead of me, the ones I've seen so far really don't come cheap! Who knew tiny little people would need so much stuff and the stuff they want is never cheap!

Any recommendations, please leave a comment on ones I should take a look at or avoid!

x x

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