Thursday, January 16, 2014

Crafty projects on the 'to do' list ...

Morning People

I've already been up a couple of hours so thought I'd type up a post and actually try my best to keep this blog going and up to date!

So being on maternity leave has given me a little thinking time, inbetween changing nappies, feeding and changing more nappies!

When I first left on my maternity I had 3 weeks before my due date, I couldn't do much as I felt like a whale and got exhausted very quickly inbetween my bursts of cleaning frenzies. I also went a wekk over due so had a bit of free time to browse blogs and crafty sites for ideas. I came across quite a few baby related craty projects that I really liked the idea of.

I found a really nice way of storing baby cards, gather all the cards in size order and cut them all in half down the crease line. Punch 2 holes in each piece and add a couple of binder rings to make them into a lovely little book. I'll be making that one shortly as it seems nice and easy and can fit in around looking after Harry. All thats really needed is a front and back cover. So I just need to buy a couple of binder rings and I can make a start.

The other project I found really appealed to me and I can't wait to get started but unfortunately I'm going to have to wait a little longer before I can make a start. I've always wanted to make a quilt, its been on the to do list forever. It's something I decided long ago that if I ever had a child I would make them a quilt that they could keep and hopefully pass on to their children if they ever have them. Thus becoming a really lovely family heirloom. So when searching for inspiration I found a few people that made a lovely quilt from their babies clothes. I think this is a fantastic idea as it will actually be made from the fabric of the clothes my little boy is wearing right now. All those really nice little outfits that I really don't want to part with but don't really have the room to keep and store will be made into a perfect practical and useful item. It can be laid on babies bed during the day and snuggled up with on a night or for cosy days on the sofa wrapped up watching DVDs. My minds going into over drive with which little outfits I want to use, all the little characters that I can add to it. This little project is obviously not going to be finished (or even started) any time soon as I need to get a good selection of clothes ready before I can do it. I've already enlisted the help of my mum though to give me a hand with making it, she's much better with a sewing machine than I am.

Saying all that it's been a bit emotional this morning as I've sorted through Harry's little sleepsuits. I noticed over the last few days that his little legs have got too long for the newborn and tiny baby sleepsuits that he has, they just don't fit him anymore! I can't believe my tiny little baby doesn't fit in them anymore. How did this happen? So newborn and tiny baby items have been set aside and put in a box, all ready for when I've got enough of  his clothes to sort through and pick out all his special cute items to make the quilt. Then on to a mother and daughter sewing session to make up the quilt. I hope he'll like the fact in years to come that mummy and granny made the quilt for him and mean he keeps hold of it and passes it on. If I have anymore children I'd love to do the same thing again for each one.

I'm quite impressed with my typing skills, all this post one handed with a sleeping baby in my other arm!!

x x

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