Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Baby Swimming Lessons


David and I decided that we wanted Harry to get used to the water and swimming as soon as he could so that he wouldn't be afraid of the water and also because we both like to swim so didn't want him to miss out.

I looked into our local pool and found that they do baby lessons on a Tuesday morning, so I rang to find out what we needed to do to get him in the class. All we had to do was turn up and pay the fee on the day (£3.25). So we went a couple of weeks ago, all three of us set off and got down to the pool. Unfortunately the teacher was off ill so we didn't actually get to do the lesson but still had a dip in the water. Harry wasn't too sure at first but he seemed to settled down and we even dunked him under a couple of times.

So I couldn't go last week as I was at the doctors, but we went again this morning and the teacher was there. We did some floating on their backs and then on their fronts with a little teddy float under their chest. Harry did so well and was the youngest baby there by about a month, he did start to get a little tired towards the end and I took him out of the pool after 20 minutes, the lesson is only 30 minutes long and the teacher did tell me to take him out whenever I thought he'd had enough. I'm looking forward to next week and hopefully doing more in the water with him.

For his swimming lesson I've got him some Huggies Little Swimmers nappies and also a Happy Nappy swim nappy to go over the top of that. He then has a little water babies vest to keep him a little warmer so that he can stay in the water for a bit longer. We found that the first time we took him swimming he slept for the majority of that day and this time hasn't been much different. Poor little mite is tired out.

I've been told by a lady at the baby group that Water Babies is supposed to be the  best swim class to take babies to so I may have a look into the price and things of those classes and see about possibly enrolling him into those.

x x

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