Friday, January 31, 2014

First Jabs and Early mornings...


Well I never thought that I'd ever be a morning person. I don't think I truely am a morning person still but I'm slowly getting used to the idea of being up and about before 6am.

This morning I've managed to do a load of washing and clean the kitchen all before 6am, as well as feed Harry and myself. The only downside to this is I'm pretty much knackered by 7pm and want to go to bed!! This is around the time that Harry is having his bath and settling down for the night, so I try keeping myself occupied until his 9pm feed and then we both head to bed for a few hours sleep.

Harry had his first jabs on Tuesday and his 8 week check up. His immunisations involved 2 jabs, one in each leg and an oral vaccination. He seemed to like the taste of the oral vaccination. There were 2 nurses so they did the jabs at the same time. He seemed OK until he realised they'd jabbed him then cried for a couple of minutes. All in all it wasn't as bad as I expected and he didn't seem to be traumatised by the event. The following day he was really cranky and I didn't think I'd ever get him settled though.

He also went to get weighed yesterday at the baby clinic. He's now 8lbs 14oz, he's dropped a line on the chart and only put on 2oz in the last 3 weeks so I have to take him back nextweek to keep it monitored, but they assured me it was nothing to worry about at this stage. So hopefully by next week he'll have put on a little more and be back on track.

Well I'm going to go get us both washed and dress ready for baby group and finish tidying up before we head out for the day.

x x

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