Sunday, January 19, 2014

Bottle or Breast...


So today I'm thinking a lot about feeding Harry. So far I've breastfed him pretty much excusively, with the odd bottle when he just wasn't getting full or I was exhausted.

Over the last few days he's become quite fussy when feeding and screaming when he's feeding so I'm wondering if I should move to formula. I gave him a bottle last night and then another this morning after feeding him myself and he drank the whole bottle so was obviously still hungry. He seems much more settled after having the bottle.

I did consider expressing and using that in abottle but having tried expressing yesterday I don't think that would be an option. I only managed to express 60ml and he took a 120ml bottle!!

Shall see how it goes over the next few days and probably combination feed for a while to ease the switch over. He deffinately seems happier on the bottle though. He had his bottle this morning and another about an hour ago and now he's snoozing in his bouncy chair. Not looking forward to telling the health visitor that one, she seems very pro breastfeeding and dead against the bottle!

x x

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