Monday, January 20, 2014

Packing for Harry's first weekend away


So today I've been thinking about this weekend. I'll be away for the weekend and obviously taking Harry with me. I'll be going on Friday and coming back on Sunday afternoon. So the longest I've been out with Harry is a day at the Trafford centre and I had both my mum and David there with me.

So I'm having that little panic about what I'll actually need to take with me, as I've never stayed away with him over night! I've decided seen as I'll be away for 2 nights that I'll use disposable nappies, otherwise I'll have to take a load of nappies with me and have smelly dirty ones hanging around in my bag until I get home.

That's nappies easily sorted, obviously need wipes and nappy bags. But what clothes do I take, how many of each, how many outfits will he possibley go through? I'm sure if I don't take way too many he'll end up having loads of accidents and making loads of mess so I'll run out. So I'll need sleep suits, vests and day time outfits. Bottles and formula, blankets, pram, bedding for mums moses basket, sterilising stuff for the bottles and the list goes on...

My poor little car is gonna be full of baby stuff and probably wont have room for me and Harry!!! Well off to pack a bag for tomorrows outing with Grandad. Takes lots of planning this taking a baby out for the day.

Donna x x

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