Wednesday, January 15, 2014



Here's a brand new blog to mark the start of a new chapter of my life. There's a lot of things changing in my life at the moment and lots of new and exciting times to come so I thought that a new blog would be a great way of recording them. It's also a good way to be able to easily look back and remember the things I felt and what happened.

So I recently became a mum for the first time. David and I had our first child, little Harry. He was born on Friday 29th November 2013 at 14.43, weighing 6lbs 7oz. He's changed both our lives quite a lot. I didn't realise just how much he would change my life and my whole perspective on life!

Harry is now almost 7 weeks old and the time has just flown by. I'm currently on maternity leave so spend all my time with the little guy. He has a better social calendar than I do, I don't think there has been more than a few days that he hasn't had something going on. Baby groups and appointments.

We decided that we would like him to learn to swim and be confident in water from quite a young age so yesterday intended on taking him to his first swimming lesson. Unfortunately the instructor fell the day before so the class was cancelled, but we did take him to the pool instead. He wasn't so sure at first and did have a few little cries but all in all he seemed to enjoy himself. We dunked him under a few times and he didn't really seem to phased by this either. Infact I think I was more bothered about it than he was. They do say babies can swim when they are born and will swim to the surface if they go under water, this did seem to be the case. David did do most of the dunking at first and I nervously had a go towards the end. The class is on again next week so we shall see how he reacts on the second go, hopefully the instructor will give me some good tips!!

David started a new job for the new year, we have little Harry and there's lots of things we're looking forward to this year. We're hopefully going on our first little fammily holiday, little Harry will be getting Christened and my best friend is getting married.

I'm maid of honour at my best friends wedding, so got a hen party to organise, dress fittings and all those other little duties that need doing. With this in mind I have decided that this is the year that I sort out my weight and get my fitness under control. Lots of walking with the pram should help. The wedding is in August so I'm hoping to use this as a big motivator. To kick start this I joined Slimming World just after the new year, last week was my first weigh in and I lost 2.5lbs, next weigh in is in the morning, but I haven't done as much walking this week and not eaten quite as well so not sure what to expect. Whatever the outcome, next week will be better and I will be slimmer and fitter for the wedding and ready to run around the park and beach after Harry.

Well I think thats a long enough first post so I'll leave it at that. Feel free to follow the blog if you want to see whats going on in my small world.

x x

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