Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sock Monkeys and Bears...

Hello again

So following on from this mornings post about crafty projects, here's a couple more that I'd like to make/give a go.

I've made a couple of bears in the past and would like to get back into making them. I used mohair for the previous bears and got some really good results and the people I gave them to seemed to really like them. So that's a must on the list of 'to do's'. I've still got a fair bit of fur left so thats something I can make a start on sooner rather than later as the only thing i'd really need to get is probably a few joints for the arms, legs and head. I already have a few though so would be able to make a start. I've done a couple of small bears and one bigger bear and even though they are quite fiddley I did find the smaller bears easier to make!

I'm hoping to have a bit of a handmade Christmas this year so bears would be a good make for the ladies (bar 2 who already have one) so I'd better make a start on these in order to get them all made in time without any last minute manic sewing going on.

Sock monkeys are something I haven't done before but they do look really cute. I've found a few tutorials on various websites and they don't look incredibley hard to make so that's another thing I'd like to have a go at. Maybe sock monkeys would be a good idea for some of the blokes? Obviously I can make them out of mens socks in manly colours, or even in their favourite football club colours with a team pin badge on them and a nice bottle of beer. I think that would make a really nice gift packaged up in a nice little box, it's also something a bit more personal than a boring pair of socks or box of smellies that the blokes in our lives normally get!!

I'm trying to put a lot more thought and effort into Christmas this year (I know it's only January and we've just got over Christmas, but if I'm making things I need to start early) as last Christmas was all a bit last minute and I felt I didn't put in the effort that I should have. To start with I'm normally sorted, shopped and wrapped by  the end of November, but with little Harry due at the end of November Christmas took a back seat. Then when he arrived on the 29th, Christmas took another step back, so present buying and wrapping was all done in a bit of a rush as I was a bit snowed under  with baby duties.

These last couple of posts about crafty projects are probably more of an online 'to do' list than a blog subject but it'll be interesting to look back on this time next year and see how far, if at all I got on with these plans. Here's hoping that I manage to get through most if not all. It's all about setting goals and working towards them after all.

x x

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