Friday, January 17, 2014

Harry's Birth Story


So I've seen a few blogs dotted about the web mentioning birth stories. As this blog is intended to be about my cards, craft projects and babies (well baby for now!) I thought I'd share my story.

My original due date was the 23rd November, this came and went! Over the last week of my pregnancy I'b been having spikes in my blood pressure so was been monitored every couple of days, I was also booked in for an induction for 3.30pm on Friday 29th if I hadn't gone into labour by then. I actually started having contractions at about 8pm on Wednesday 27th November. As this is my first baby I wasn't really sure what to do so I called the delivery suite and was told to let them know when the contractions got closer together and more regular. They were about 3 in 10 minutes by around 2am on the Thursday morning when I rang the delivery suite again. They advised us to go in to be checked over, which we did. Unfortunately I was only 2cm dialated so they told me to go home and rest.

We did come home but I didn't rest very much. It was finally happening and I was going to have my little boy sometime soon. The actual birth part didn't worry me at all, I think the biggest worry was that I wouldn't know what to do with him when I brough him home!!

The contractions gradually got worse and worse and by about 5am on Friday morning I was in agony. David rang the delivery suite and told them I was coming in, (no asking this time) and off we went. It took us about 30mins to get me up and into the car as the pain was really bad at this point. Luckily when we got to the hospital I was already nearl 5 cm dialated so I was there to stay. A lovely midwife called Jeni came in and really calmed me down and helped me with some breathing techniques and even brought us some toast for me and David to keep our strength up. David rang my mum who had come over the night before so she could get to the hospital. She was going to stay just up until near the end so David and I could be the only ones there when our little boy came into the world, but towards the end I really didn't want her to leave so she stayed through the whole birth.

I managed for a little while without pain relief and then asked for gas and air. My intention was to have as little pain releif as possible, with an epidural being a real last resort. I lasted most of the way through the labour on just my gas and air and very near the end asked for the remi drip as I really needed that little extra. This was a god send and really did the trick.

David noticed that the monitor kept showing a drop in the babies heart rate inbetween my contractions, so after a chat with the nurse, she went off to get a doctor, and then another doctor. Before I knew what was happening I was being told that the baby needed to be delivered within the next 2-3 pushes or they would have to assist. I really didn't like the sound of them assisting and managed to push the baby out myself after a couple of pushes. It turns out I had an infection, so they wanted the baby out as quickly as possible to make sure he either didn't get the infection or could be treated straight away if he already had the infection.

David cut the cord and after a few cuddles from me, David and my mum baby Harry was whisked off to be given antibiotics as a precaution and to make sure he didn't develope whatever infection I had. After a clean up and nice shower, Harry was back with me and we were taken up to the ward. I stayed in for a couple of days and was allowed home on the Sunday.

We had a fair few visitors at the hospital and it felt great to finally be home as a new little family. We seemed to have settled into quite a nice routine now and althought everything doesn't always go to plan, things are running quite smoothly. We manage to get up and dressed each day and to all our appointments on time so we must be doing something right! I.m even managing to keep the house somewhat tidy and the washing is being done too...

David was with us the first week and then had to go back to work so my mum came over for the second week to help out. Then David had time off over Christmas so it was lovely having those first few weeks together watching him grow and he changed so much. He's still changing everyday, I can't believe how much he can change in the blink of an eye!!

So that's the story so far, I'm sure there will be lots more tales of Harry and what he's been getting up to, but I'll leave it there for now. Here's a little picture of him when he was born...

Harry just after being born 29/11/13
He had to have a canula put in his hand for the antibiotics, hence his arm being all bandaged up. Poor little mite. This has to be one of my favourite photos taken on the day he was born. He just looks so tiny and cute!

x x

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